
  • O. Tarnopolsky Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine
  • M. Kabanova Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine



Ключові слова:

vocabulary, vocabulary learning/acquisition for receptive and reproductive verbal communication, the number of repetitions for learning/acquiring a lexical unit in verbal communication, distribution of lexical units into categories for learning/acquisition


Introduction. Effectively teaching English vocabulary in practical courses of English at tertiary linguistic schools is one of the most difficult issues in the efficient organization of the teaching/learning process. As research shows, the learning/acquisition of vocabulary directly depends on the number of repetitions in communication of every lexical unit to be learned or acquired. The sufficient number of such repetitions just cannot be achieved for every lexical unit introduced in the language course because time constraints do not allow ensuring that number in the existing conditions of teaching future translators/interpreters or language teachers. Purpose. To discuss and determine the possible ways of solving the vocabulary learning/acquisition difficulty by rational distribution of the vocabulary to be learned/acquired into different categories with different approaches to organizing students’ learning/acquisition of lexical units belonging to those different categories. Methods. Reviewing the studies devoted to foreign language vocabulary learning/acquisition and analyzing the authors’
own practical experience in this area with the view of developing the above mentioned approach to optimal vocabulary distribution into different learning/acquisition categories for achieving students’ better mastering
and retention of lexical units. Results. This study revealed that the optimal categories into which the vocabulary to be learned/acquired should be divided are: 1) the primary basic vocabulary the lexical units from which
are to be acquired by students mostly subconsciously through numerous encounters with them and numerous repetitions of them in communicative processes of their speaking, listening, reading, and writing in the target
language; 2) the secondary basic vocabulary the lexical units from which are to be consciously learned by students through using specific procedures and exercises for ensuring such learning depending on whether individual
lexical units are meant for being mastered receptively or reproductively – in this case, conscious learning may be aided by unconscious retention (acquisition) organized by the teacher wherever possible by addressing the resources of learners’ involuntary memory; 3) the optional vocabulary acquired by students mostly subconsciously through involuntary retention occurring in the process of learners’ extensive reading – this is why different learners may acquire different lexical units from such an optional vocabulary stock; 4) the potential
vocabulary the lexical units from which the students mostly do not retain but consciously learn how to understand their meanings when encountering them in the English texts they are reading. Conclusion. The practical application
of the suggested approach in courses of English for future translators/interpreters and language teachers has demonstrated its great positive potential in developing and improving students’ lexical skills and enhancing those skills both qualitatively and quantitatively. This opens further prospects for research in the suggested direction.




Методика навчання іноземних мов і культур